Serial Tutorial C (16) : Library C Standar dan Daftar Fungsi (Alfabetis)

Berikut adalah daftar Library C Standar, yang pelan-pelan akan dibahas satu per satu di Blog ini Insya Allah

  • <assert.h> : Diagnostik
  • <ctype.h> : Character Class Tests
  • <errno.h> : Kode-kode Error yang dilaporkan oleh (Beberapa) Fungsi Library
  • <float.h> : Limit Implementation-defined Floating-Point
  • <limits.h> : Limit Implementation-defined
  • <locale.h> : Informasi Locale-specific
  • <math.h> : Fungsi-fungsi Matematika
  • <setjmp.h> : Non-local Jumps
  • <signal.h> : Sinyal
  • <stdarg.h> : Daftar Argumen Variabel
  • <stddef.h> : Definisi Penggunaan Umum
  • <stdio.h> : Input dan Output
  • <stdlib.h> : Fungsi Utilitas
  • <string.h> : Fungsi string
  • <time.h> : Fungsi waktu dan Tanggal

Sementara berikut adalah daftar nama-nama fungsi ISO dan header yang berhubungan :

  • Name Header Standard
    BUFSIZ                   stdio.h        C89
    CHAR_BIT                 limits.h       C89
    CHAR_MAX                 limits.h       C89
    CHAR_MIN                 limits.h       C89
    CLOCKS_PER_SEC           time.h         C89
    CX_LIMITED_RANGE         #pragma        C99
    DBL_DIG                  float.h        C89
    DBL_EPSILON              float.h        C89
    DBL_MANT_DIG             float.h        C89
    DBL_MAX                  float.h        C89
    DBL_MAX_10_EXP           float.h        C89
    DBL_MAX_EXP              float.h        C89
    DBL_MIN                  float.h        C89
    DBL_MIN_10_EXP           float.h        C89
    DBL_MIN_EXP              float.h        C89
    DECIMAL_DIG              float.h        C99
    EDOM                     errno.h        C89
    EILSEQ                   errno.h        C89
    EOF                      stdio.h        C89
    ERANGE                   errno.h        C89
    EXIT_FAILURE             stdlib.h       C89
    EXIT_SUCCESS             stdlib.h       C89
    FENV_ACCESS              #pragma        C99
    FE_ALL_EXCEPT            fenv.h         C99
    FE_DFL_ENV               fenv.h         C99
    FE_DIVBYZERO             fenv.h         C99
    FE_DOWNWARD              fenv.h         C99
    FE_INEXACT               fenv.h         C99
    FE_INVALID               fenv.h         C99
    FE_OVERFLOW              fenv.h         C99
    FE_TONEAREST             fenv.h         C99
    FE_TOWARDZERO            fenv.h         C99
    FE_UNDERFLOW             fenv.h         C99
    FE_UPWARD                fenv.h         C99
    FILE                     stdio.h        C89
    FILENAME_MAX             stdio.h        C89
    FLT_DIG                  float.h        C89
    FLT_EPSILON              float.h        C89
    FLT_EVAL_METHOD          float.h        C99
    FLT_MANT_DIG             float.h        C89
    FLT_MAX                  float.h        C89
    FLT_MAX_10_EXP           float.h        C89
    FLT_MAX_EXP              float.h        C89
    FLT_MIN                  float.h        C89
    FLT_MIN_10_EXP           float.h        C89
    FLT_MIN_EXP              float.h        C89
    FLT_RADIX                float.h        C89
    FLT_ROUNDS               float.h        C89
    FOPEN_MAX                stdio.h        C89
    FP_CONTRACT              #pragma        C99
    FP_FAST_FMA              math.h         C99
    FP_FAST_FMAF             math.h         C99
    FP_FAST_FMAL             math.h         C99
    FP_ILOGB0                math.h         C99
    FP_ILOGBNAN              math.h         C99
    FP_INFINITE              math.h         C99
    FP_NAN                   math.h         C99
    FP_NORMAL                math.h         C99
    FP_SUBNORMAL             math.h         C99
    FP_ZERO                  math.h         C99
    HUGE_VAL                 math.h         C89
    HUGE_VALF                math.h         C89
    HUGE_VALL                math.h         C89
    I                        complex.h      C99
    INFINITY                 math.h         C99
    INT*_C                   stdint.h       C99
    INT*_MAX                 stdint.h       C99
    INT*_MIN                 stdint.h       C99
    INTMAX*_C                stdint.h       C99
    INTMAX_MAX               stdint.h       C99
    INTMAX_MIN               stdint.h       C99
    INTPTR_MAX               stdint.h       C99
    INTPTR_MIN               stdint.h       C99
    INT_FAST*_MAX            stdint.h       C99
    INT_FAST*_MIN            stdint.h       C99
    INT_LEAST*_MAX           stdint.h       C99
    INT_LEAST*_MIN           stdint.h       C99
    INT_MAX                  limits.h       C89
    INT_MIN                  limits.h       C89
    LC_ALL                   locale.h       C89
    LC_COLLATE               locale.h       C89
    LC_CTYPE                 locale.h       C89
    LC_MONETARY              locale.h       C89
    LC_NUMERIC               locale.h       C89
    LC_TIME                  locale.h       C89
    LDBL_DIG                 float.h        C89
    LDBL_EPSILON             float.h        C89
    LDBL_MANT_DIG            float.h        C89
    LDBL_MAX                 float.h        C89
    LDBL_MAX_10_EXP          float.h        C89
    LDBL_MAX_EXP             float.h        C89
    LDBL_MIN                 float.h        C89
    LDBL_MIN_10_EXP          float.h        C89
    LDBL_MIN_EXP             float.h        C89
    LLONG_MAX                limits.h       C99
    LLONG_MIN                limits.h       C99
    LONG_MAX                 limits.h       C89
    LONG_MIN                 limits.h       C89
    L_tmpnam                 stdio.h        C89
    MATH_ERREXCEPT           math.h         C99
    MATH_ERRNO               math.h         C99
    MB_CUR_MAX               stdlib.h       C89
    MB_LEN_MAX               limits.h       C89
    NAN                      math.h         C99
    NDEBUG                   assert.h       C89
    NULL                     locale.h       C89
    NULL                     stddef.h       C89
    NULL                     stdio.h        C89
    NULL                     stdlib.h       C89
    NULL                     string.h       C89
    NULL                     time.h         C89
    NULL                     wchar.h        C89
    PRIX*                    inttypes.h     C99
    PRIXFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    PRIXLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    PRIXMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIXPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRId*                    inttypes.h     C99
    PRIdFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    PRIdLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    PRIdMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIdPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIi*                    inttypes.h     C99
    PRIiFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    PRIiLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    PRIiMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIiPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIo*                    inttypes.h     C99
    PRIoFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    PRIoLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    PRIoMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIoPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIu*                    inttypes.h     C99
    PRIuFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    PRIuLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    PRIuMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIuPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIx*                    inttypes.h     C99
    PRIxFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    PRIxLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    PRIxMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    PRIxPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    PTRDIFF_MAX              stdint.h       C99
    PTRDIFF_MIN              stdint.h       C99
    RAND_MAX                 stdlib.h       C89
    SCHAR_MAX                limits.h       C89
    SCHAR_MIN                limits.h       C89
    SCNd*                    inttypes.h     C99
    SCNdFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    SCNdLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    SCNdMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNdPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNi*                    inttypes.h     C99
    SCNiFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    SCNiLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    SCNiMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNiPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNo*                    inttypes.h     C99
    SCNoFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    SCNoLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    SCNoMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNoPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNu*                    inttypes.h     C99
    SCNuFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    SCNuLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    SCNuMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNuPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNx*                    inttypes.h     C99
    SCNxFAST*                inttypes.h     C99
    SCNxLEAST*               inttypes.h     C99
    SCNxMAX                  inttypes.h     C99
    SCNxPTR                  inttypes.h     C99
    SEEK_CUR                 stdio.h        C89
    SEEK_END                 stdio.h        C89
    SEEK_SET                 stdio.h        C89
    SHRT_MAX                 limits.h       C89
    SHRT_MIN                 limits.h       C89
    SIGABRT                  signal.h       C89
    SIGFPE                   signal.h       C89
    SIGILL                   signal.h       C89
    SIGINT                   signal.h       C89
    SIGSEGV                  signal.h       C89
    SIGTERM                  signal.h       C89
    SIG_ATOMIC_MAX           stdint.h       C99
    SIG_ATOMIC_MIN           stdint.h       C99
    SIG_DFL                  signal.h       C89
    SIG_ERR                  signal.h       C89
    SIG_IGN                  signal.h       C89
    SIZE_MAX                 stdint.h       C99
    TMP_MAX                  stdio.h        C89
    UCHAR_MAX                limits.h       C89
    UINT*_C                  stdint.h       C99
    UINT*_MAX                stdint.h       C99
    UINTMAX*_C               stdint.h       C99
    UINTMAX_MAX              stdint.h       C99
    UINTPTR_MAX              stdint.h       C99
    UINT_FAST*_MAX           stdint.h       C99
    UINT_LEAST*_MAX          stdint.h       C99
    UINT_MAX                 limits.h       C89
    ULLONG_MAX               limits.h       C99
    ULONG_MAX                limits.h       C89
    USHRT_MAX                limits.h       C89
    WCHAR_MAX                stdint.h       C99
    WCHAR_MAX                wchar.h        C89
    WCHAR_MIN                stdint.h       C99
    WCHAR_MIN                wchar.h        C89
    WEOF                     wchar.h        C89
    WEOF                     wctype.h       C99
    WINT_MAX                 stdint.h       C99
    WINT_MIN                 stdint.h       C99
    _Complex_I               complex.h      C99
    _Exit                    stdlib.h       C99
    _IOFBF                   stdio.h        C89
    _IOLBF                   stdio.h        C89
    _IONBF                   stdio.h        C89
    _Imaginary_I             complex.h      C99
    _Pragma                  (Operator)     C99
    __bool_true_false_are_defined stdbool.h C99
    abort                    stdlib.h       C89
    abs                      stdlib.h       C89
    acos                     math.h         C89
    acos                     tgmath.h       C99
    acosf                    math.h         C89
    acosh                    math.h         C99
    acosh                    tgmath.h       C99
    acoshf                   math.h         C99
    acoshl                   math.h         C99
    acosl                    math.h         C89
    and                      iso646.h       C89
    and_eq                   iso646.h       C89
    asctime                  time.h         C89
    asin                     math.h         C89
    asin                     tgmath.h       C99
    asinf                    math.h         C89
    asinh                    math.h         C99
    asinh                    tgmath.h       C99
    asinhf                   math.h         C99
    asinhl                   math.h         C99
    asinl                    math.h         C89
    assert                   assert.h       C89
    atan                     math.h         C89
    atan                     tgmath.h       C99
    atan2                    math.h         C89
    atan2                    tgmath.h       C99
    atan2f                   math.h         C89
    atan2l                   math.h         C89
    atanf                    math.h         C89
    atanh                    math.h         C99
    atanh                    tgmath.h       C99
    atanhf                   math.h         C99
    atanhl                   math.h         C99
    atanl                    math.h         C89
    atexit                   stdlib.h       C89
    atof                     stdlib.h       C89
    atoi                     stdlib.h       C89
    atol                     stdlib.h       C89
    atoll                    stdlib.h       C99
    bitand                   iso646.h       C89
    bitor                    iso646.h       C89
    bool                     stdbool.h      C99
    bsearch                  stdlib.h       C89
    btowc                    wchar.h        C89
    cabs                     complex.h      C99
    cabsf                    complex.h      C99
    cabsl                    complex.h      C99
    cacos                    complex.h      C99
    cacosf                   complex.h      C99
    cacosh                   complex.h      C99
    cacoshf                  complex.h      C99
    cacoshl                  complex.h      C99
    cacosl                   complex.h      C99
    calloc                   stdlib.h       C89
    carg                     complex.h      C99
    carg                     tgmath.h       C99
    cargf                    complex.h      C99
    cargl                    complex.h      C99
    casin                    complex.h      C99
    casinf                   complex.h      C99
    casinh                   complex.h      C99
    casinhf                  complex.h      C99
    casinhl                  complex.h      C99
    casinl                   complex.h      C99
    catan                    complex.h      C99
    catanf                   complex.h      C99
    catanh                   complex.h      C99
    catanhf                  complex.h      C99
    catanhl                  complex.h      C99
    catanl                   complex.h      C99
    cbrt                     math.h         C99
    cbrt                     tgmath.h       C99
    cbrtf                    math.h         C99
    cbrtl                    math.h         C99
    ccos                     complex.h      C99
    ccosf                    complex.h      C99
    ccosh                    complex.h      C99
    ccoshf                   complex.h      C99
    ccoshl                   complex.h      C99
    ccosl                    complex.h      C99
    ceil                     math.h         C89
    ceil                     tgmath.h       C99
    ceilf                    math.h         C89
    ceill                    math.h         C89
    cexp                     complex.h      C99
    cexpf                    complex.h      C99
    cexpl                    complex.h      C99
    cimag                    complex.h      C99
    cimag                    tgmath.h       C99
    cimagf                   complex.h      C99
    cimagl                   complex.h      C99
    clearerr                 stdio.h        C89
    clock                    time.h         C89
    clock_t                  time.h         C89
    clog                     complex.h      C99
    clogf                    complex.h      C99
    clogl                    complex.h      C99
    compl                    iso646.h       C89
    complex                  complex.h      C99
    conj                     complex.h      C99
    conj                     tgmath.h       C99
    conjf                    complex.h      C99
    conjl                    complex.h      C99
    copysign                 math.h         C99
    copysign                 tgmath.h       C99
    copysignf                math.h         C99
    copysignl                math.h         C99
    cos                      math.h         C89
    cos                      tgmath.h       C99
    cosf                     math.h         C89
    cosh                     math.h         C89
    cosh                     tgmath.h       C99
    coshf                    math.h         C89
    coshl                    math.h         C89
    cosl                     math.h         C89
    cpow                     complex.h      C99
    cpowf                    complex.h      C99
    cpowl                    complex.h      C99
    cproj                    complex.h      C99
    cproj                    tgmath.h       C99
    cprojf                   complex.h      C99
    cprojl                   complex.h      C99
    creal                    complex.h      C99
    creal                    tgmath.h       C99
    crealf                   complex.h      C99
    creall                   complex.h      C99
    csin                     complex.h      C99
    csinf                    complex.h      C99
    csinh                    complex.h      C99
    csinhf                   complex.h      C99
    csinhl                   complex.h      C99
    csinl                    complex.h      C99
    csqrt                    complex.h      C99
    csqrtf                   complex.h      C99
    csqrtl                   complex.h      C99
    ctan                     complex.h      C99
    ctanf                    complex.h      C99
    ctanh                    complex.h      C99
    ctanhf                   complex.h      C99
    ctanhl                   complex.h      C99
    ctanl                    complex.h      C99
    ctime                    time.h         C89
    difftime                 time.h         C89
    div                      stdlib.h       C89
    div_t                    stdlib.h       C89
    double_t                 math.h         C99
    erf                      math.h         C99
    erf                      tgmath.h       C99
    erfc                     math.h         C99
    erfc                     tgmath.h       C99
    erfcf                    math.h         C99
    erfcl                    math.h         C99
    erff                     math.h         C99
    erfl                     math.h         C99
    errno                    errno.h        C89
    exit                     stdlib.h       C89
    exp                      math.h         C89
    exp                      tgmath.h       C99
    exp2                     math.h         C99
    exp2                     tgmath.h       C99
    exp2f                    math.h         C99
    exp2l                    math.h         C99
    expf                     math.h         C89
    expl                     math.h         C89
    expm1                    math.h         C99
    expm1                    tgmath.h       C99
    expm1f                   math.h         C99
    expm1l                   math.h         C99
    fabs                     math.h         C89
    fabs                     tgmath.h       C99
    fabsf                    math.h         C89
    fabsl                    math.h         C89
    false                    stdbool.h      C99
    fclose                   stdio.h        C89
    fdim                     math.h         C99
    fdim                     tgmath.h       C99
    fdimf                    math.h         C99
    fdiml                    math.h         C99
    feclearexept             fenv.h         C99
    fegetenv                 fenv.h         C99
    fegetexceptflag          fenv.h         C99
    fegetround               fenv.h         C99
    feholdexcept             fenv.h         C99
    fenv_t                   fenv.h         C99
    feof                     stdio.h        C89
    feraiseexcept            fenv.h         C99
    ferror                   stdio.h        C89
    fesetenv                 fenv.h         C99
    fesetexceptflag          fenv.h         C99
    fesetround               fenv.h         C99
    fetestexcept             fenv.h         C99
    feupdateenv              fenv.h         C99
    fexcept_t                fenv.h         C99
    fflush                   stdio.h        C89
    fgetc                    stdio.h        C89
    fgetpos                  stdio.h        C89
    fgets                    stdio.h        C89
    fgetwc                   wchar.h        C89
    fgetws                   wchar.h        C89
    float_t                  math.h         C99
    floor                    math.h         C89
    floor                    tgmath.h       C99
    floorf                   math.h         C89
    floorl                   math.h         C89
    fma                      math.h         C99
    fma                      tgmath.h       C99
    fmaf                     math.h         C99
    fmal                     math.h         C99
    fmax                     math.h         C99
    fmax                     tgmath.h       C99
    fmaxf                    math.h         C99
    fmaxl                    math.h         C99
    fmin                     math.h         C99
    fmin                     tgmath.h       C99
    fminf                    math.h         C99
    fminl                    math.h         C99
    fmod                     math.h         C89
    fmod                     tgmath.h       C99
    fmodf                    math.h         C89
    fmodl                    math.h         C89
    fopen                    stdio.h        C89
    fpclassify               math.h         C99
    fpos_t                   stdio.h        C89
    fprintf                  stdio.h        C89
    fputc                    stdio.h        C89
    fputs                    stdio.h        C89
    fputwc                   wchar.h        C89
    fputws                   wchar.h        C89
    fread                    stdio.h        C89
    free                     stdlib.h       C89
    freopen                  stdio.h        C89
    frexp                    math.h         C89
    frexp                    tgmath.h       C99
    frexpf                   math.h         C89
    frexpl                   math.h         C89
    fscanf                   stdio.h        C89
    fseek                    stdio.h        C89
    fsetpos                  stdio.h        C89
    ftell                    stdio.h        C89
    fwide                    wchar.h        C89
    fwprintf                 wchar.h        C89
    fwrite                   stdio.h        C89
    fwscanf                  wchar.h        C89
    getc                     stdio.h        C89
    getchar                  stdio.h        C89
    getenv                   stdlib.h       C89
    gets                     stdio.h        C89
    getwc                    wchar.h        C89
    getwchar                 wchar.h        C89
    gmtime                   time.h         C89
    hypot                    math.h         C99
    hypot                    tgmath.h       C99
    hypotf                   math.h         C99
    hypotl                   math.h         C99
    ilogb                    math.h         C99
    ilogb                    tgmath.h       C99
    ilogbf                   math.h         C99
    ilogbl                   math.h         C99
    imaginary                complex.h      C99
    imaxabs                  inttypes.h     C99
    imaxdiv                  inttypes.h     C99
    imaxdiv_t                inttypes.h     C99
    int*_t                   stdint.h       C99
    int_fast*_t              stdint.h       C99
    int_least*_t             stdint.h       C99
    intmax_t                 stdint.h       C99
    intptr_t                 stdint.h       C99
    isalnum                  ctype.h        C89
    isalpha                  ctype.h        C89
    isblank                  ctype.h        C99
    iscntrl                  ctype.h        C89
    isdigit                  ctype.h        C89
    isfinite                 math.h         C99
    isgraph                  ctype.h        C89
    isgreater                math.h         C99
    isgreaterequal           math.h         C99
    isinf                    math.h         C99
    isless                   math.h         C99
    islessequal              math.h         C99
    islessgreater            math.h         C99
    islower                  ctype.h        C89
    isnan                    math.h         C99
    isnormal                 math.h         C99
    isprint                  ctype.h        C89
    ispunct                  ctype.h        C89
    isspace                  ctype.h        C89
    isunordered              math.h         C99
    isupper                  ctype.h        C89
    iswalnum                 wctype.h       C89
    iswalpha                 wctype.h       C89
    iswblank                 wctype.h       C99
    iswcntrl                 wctype.h       C89
    iswctype                 wctype.h       C89
    iswdigit                 wctype.h       C89
    iswgraph                 wctype.h       C89
    iswlower                 wctype.h       C89
    iswprint                 wctype.h       C89
    iswpunct                 wctype.h       C89
    iswspace                 wctype.h       C89
    iswupper                 wctype.h       C89
    iswxdigit                wctype.h       C89
    isxdigit                 ctype.h        C89
    jmp_buf                  setjmp.h       C89
    labs                     stdlib.h       C89
    lconv                    locale.h       C89
    ldexp                    math.h         C89
    ldexp                    tgmath.h       C99
    ldexpf                   math.h         C89
    ldexpl                   math.h         C89
    ldiv                     stdlib.h       C89
    ldiv_t                   stdlib.h       C89
    lgamma                   math.h         C99
    lgamma                   tgmath.h       C99
    lgammaf                  math.h         C99
    lgammal                  math.h         C99
    llabs                    stdlib.h       C99
    lldiv                    stdlib.h       C99
    lldiv_t                  stdlib.h       C99
    llrint                   math.h         C99
    llrint                   tgmath.h       C99
    llrintf                  math.h         C99
    llrintl                  math.h         C99
    llround                  math.h         C99
    llround                  tgmath.h       C99
    llroundf                 math.h         C99
    llroundl                 math.h         C99
    localeconv               locale.h       C89
    localtime                time.h         C89
    log                      math.h         C89
    log                      tgmath.h       C99
    log10                    math.h         C89
    log10                    tgmath.h       C99
    log10f                   math.h         C89
    log10l                   math.h         C89
    log1p                    math.h         C99
    log1p                    tgmath.h       C99
    log1pf                   math.h         C99
    log1pl                   math.h         C99
    log2                     math.h         C99
    log2                     tgmath.h       C99
    log2f                    math.h         C99
    log2l                    math.h         C99
    logb                     math.h         C99
    logb                     tgmath.h       C99
    logbf                    math.h         C99
    logbl                    math.h         C99
    logf                     math.h         C89
    logl                     math.h         C89
    longjmp                  setjmp.h       C89
    lrint                    math.h         C99
    lrint                    tgmath.h       C99
    lrintf                   math.h         C99
    lrintl                   math.h         C99
    lround                   math.h         C99
    lround                   tgmath.h       C99
    lroundf                  math.h         C99
    lroundl                  math.h         C99
    malloc                   stdlib.h       C89
    math_errhandling         math.h         C99
    mblen                    stdlib.h       C89
    mbrlen                   wchar.h        C89
    mbrtowc                  wchar.h        C89
    mbsinit                  wchar.h        C89
    mbsrtowcs                wchar.h        C89
    mbstate_t                wchar.h        C89
    mbstowcs                 stdlib.h       C89
    mbtowc                   stdlib.h       C89
    memchr                   string.h       C89
    memcmp                   string.h       C89
    memcpy                   string.h       C89
    memmove                  string.h       C89
    memset                   string.h       C89
    mktime                   time.h         C89
    modf                     math.h         C89
    modff                    math.h         C89
    modfl                    math.h         C89
    nan                      math.h         C99
    nanf                     math.h         C99
    nanl                     math.h         C99
    nearbyint                math.h         C99
    nearbyint                tgmath.h       C99
    nearbyintf               math.h         C99
    nearbyintl               math.h         C99
    nextafter                math.h         C99
    nextafter                tgmath.h       C99
    nextafterf               math.h         C99
    nextafterl               math.h         C99
    nexttoward               math.h         C99
    nexttoward               tgmath.h       C99
    nexttowardf              math.h         C99
    nexttowardl              math.h         C99
    not                      iso646.h       C89
    not_eq                   iso646.h       C89
    offsetof                 stddef.h       C89
    or                       iso646.h       C89
    or_eq                    iso646.h       C89
    perror                   stdio.h        C89
    pow                      math.h         C89
    pow                      tgmath.h       C99
    powf                     math.h         C89
    powl                     math.h         C89
    printf                   stdio.h        C89
    ptrdiff_t                stddef.h       C89
    putc                     stdio.h        C89
    putchar                  stdio.h        C89
    puts                     stdio.h        C89
    putwc                    wchar.h        C89
    putwchar                 wchar.h        C89
    qsort                    stdlib.h       C89
    raise                    signal.h       C89
    rand                     stdlib.h       C89
    realloc                  stdlib.h       C89
    remainder                math.h         C99
    remainder                tgmath.h       C99
    remainderf               math.h         C99
    remainderl               math.h         C99
    remove                   stdio.h        C89
    remquo                   math.h         C99
    remquo                   tgmath.h       C99
    remquof                  math.h         C99
    remquol                  math.h         C99
    rename                   stdio.h        C89
    rewind                   stdio.h        C89
    rint                     math.h         C99
    rint                     tgmath.h       C99
    rintf                    math.h         C99
    rintl                    math.h         C99
    round                    math.h         C99
    round                    tgmath.h       C99
    roundf                   math.h         C99
    roundl                   math.h         C99
    scalbln                  math.h         C99
    scalbln                  tgmath.h       C99
    scalblnf                 math.h         C99
    scalblnl                 math.h         C99
    scalbn                   math.h         C99
    scalbn                   tgmath.h       C99
    scalbnf                  math.h         C99
    scalbnl                  math.h         C99
    scanf                    stdio.h        C89
    setbuf                   stdio.h        C89
    setjmp                   setjmp.h       C89
    setlocale                locale.h       C89
    setvbuf                  stdio.h        C89
    sig_atomic_t             signal.h       C89
    signal                   signal.h       C89
    sin                      math.h         C89
    sin                      tgmath.h       C99
    sinf                     math.h         C89
    sinh                     math.h         C89
    sinh                     tgmath.h       C99
    sinhf                    math.h         C89
    sinhl                    math.h         C89
    sinl                     math.h         C89
    size_t                   stddef.h       C89
    size_t                   stdio.h        C89
    size_t                   stdlib.h       C89
    size_t                   string.h       C89
    size_t                   time.h         C89
    size_t                   wchar.h        C89
    snprintf                 stdio.h        C99
    sprintf                  stdio.h        C89
    sqrt                     math.h         C89
    sqrt                     tgmath.h       C99
    sqrtf                    math.h         C89
    sqrtl                    math.h         C89
    srand                    stdlib.h       C89
    sscanf                   stdio.h        C89
    stderr                   stdio.h        C89
    stdin                    stdio.h        C89
    stdout                   stdio.h        C89
    strcat                   string.h       C89
    strchr                   string.h       C89
    strcmp                   string.h       C89
    strcoll                  string.h       C89
    strcpy                   string.h       C89
    strcspn                  string.h       C89
    strerror                 string.h       C89
    strftime                 time.h         C89
    strlen                   string.h       C89
    strncat                  string.h       C89
    strncmp                  string.h       C89
    strncpy                  string.h       C89
    strpbrk                  string.h       C89
    strrchr                  string.h       C89
    strspn                   string.h       C89
    strstr                   string.h       C89
    strtod                   stdlib.h       C89
    strtof                   stdlib.h       C99
    strtoimax                inttypes.h     C99
    strtok                   string.h       C89
    strtol                   stdlib.h       C89
    strtold                  stdlib.h       C99
    strtoll                  stdlib.h       C99
    strtoul                  stdlib.h       C89
    strtoull                 stdlib.h       C99
    strtoumax                inttypes.h     C99
    strxfrm                  string.h       C89
    swprintf                 wchar.h        C89
    swscanf                  wchar.h        C89
    system                   stdlib.h       C89
    tan                      math.h         C89
    tan                      tgmath.h       C99
    tanf                     math.h         C89
    tanh                     math.h         C89
    tanh                     tgmath.h       C99
    tanhf                    math.h         C89
    tanhl                    math.h         C89
    tanl                     math.h         C89
    tgamma                   math.h         C99
    tgamma                   tgmath.h       C99
    tgammaf                  math.h         C99
    tgammal                  math.h         C99
    time                     time.h         C89
    time_t                   time.h         C89
    tm                       time.h         C89
    tm                       wchar.h        C89
    tmpfile                  stdio.h        C89
    tmpnam                   stdio.h        C89
    tolower                  ctype.h        C89
    toupper                  ctype.h        C89
    towctrans                wctype.h       C89
    towlower                 wctype.h       C89
    towupper                 wctype.h       C89
    true                     stdbool.h      C99
    trunc                    math.h         C99
    trunc                    tgmath.h       C99
    truncf                   math.h         C99
    truncl                   math.h         C99
    uint*_t                  stdint.h       C99
    uint_fast*_t             stdint.h       C99
    uint_least*_t            stdint.h       C99
    uintmax_t                stdint.h       C99
    uintptr_t                stdint.h       C99
    ungetc                   stdio.h        C89
    ungetwc                  wchar.h        C89
    va_arg                   stdarg.h       C89
    va_copy                  stdarg.h       C99
    va_end                   stdarg.h       C89
    va_list                  stdarg.h       C89
    va_start                 stdarg.h       C89
    vfprintf                 stdio.h        C89
    vfscanf                  stdio.h        C99
    vfwprintf                wchar.h        C89
    vfwscanf                 wchar.h        C99
    vprintf                  stdio.h        C89
    vscanf                   stdio.h        C99
    vsnprintf                stdio.h        C99
    vsprintf                 stdio.h        C89
    vsscanf                  stdio.h        C99
    vswprintf                wchar.h        C89
    vswscanf                 wchar.h        C99
    vwprintf                 wchar.h        C89
    vwscanf                  wchar.h        C99
    wchar_t                  stddef.h       C89
    wchar_t                  stdlib.h       C89
    wchar_t                  wchar.h        C89
    wcrtomb                  wchar.h        C89
    wcscat                   wchar.h        C89
    wcschr                   wchar.h        C89
    wcscmp                   wchar.h        C89
    wcscoll                  wchar.h        C89
    wcscpy                   wchar.h        C89
    wcscspn                  wchar.h        C89
    wcsftime                 wchar.h        C89
    wcslen                   wchar.h        C89
    wcsncat                  wchar.h        C89
    wcsncmp                  wchar.h        C89
    wcsncpy                  wchar.h        C89
    wcspbrk                  wchar.h        C89
    wcsrchr                  wchar.h        C89
    wcsrtombs                wchar.h        C89
    wcsspn                   wchar.h        C89
    wcsstr                   wchar.h        C89
    wcstod                   wchar.h        C89
    wcstof                   wchar.h        C99
    wcstoimax                inttypes.h     C99
    wcstok                   wchar.h        C89
    wcstol                   wchar.h        C89
    wcstold                  wchar.h        C99
    wcstoll                  wchar.h        C99
    wcstombs                 stdlib.h       C89
    wcstoul                  wchar.h        C89
    wcstoull                 wchar.h        C99
    wcstoumax                inttypes.h     C99
    wcsxfrm                  wchar.h        C89
    wctob                    wchar.h        C89
    wctomb                   stdlib.h       C89
    wctrans                  wctype.h       C89
    wctrans_t                wctype.h       C89
    wctype                   wctype.h       C89
    wctype_t                 wctype.h       C89
    wint_t                   wchar.h        C89
    wint_t                   wctype.h       C89
    wmemchr                  wchar.h        C89
    wmemcmp                  wchar.h        C89
    wmemcpy                  wchar.h        C89
    wmemmove                 wchar.h        C89
    wmemset                  wchar.h        C89
    wprintf                  wchar.h        C89
    wscanf                   wchar.h        C89
    xor                      iso646.h       C89
    xor_eq                   iso646.h       C89

Bersambung. (

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